Friday, February 20, 2009


So, it's been way too long since I've done this. I really need to get back on track.

Anyway, Tom, Chiz, Monique and myself were supposed to go out today, but of course, in her usual fashion, Monique "didn't want to go". UGH. If she would just tell us WHY she never wants to go out with us it would make everything SO much easier! This is probably the fourth time she's done this, and of course if she doesn't want to go then Chiz doesn't want to go then everything just falls apart. Does she even like us? I mean, sometimes is just seems like she doesn't even care. And what really pisses me off about her is that stupid little act she puts on at school. She pretends to be all quiet and like she's just trying to stay out of the limelight, but really, she's just a huge attention whore. She tries to be all like "I don't like to show my emotions because of my 'troubled past'". SHE HAS NO TROBLED PAST WHATSOEVER! She tries to make out like her family is SO screwed up and this person did this so now everybody hates them, and it's just like..ugh. Oh, and she also hates school because she gets "bullied". Oh come on, we're practically with you for the whole day and we have almost NEVER seen you get bullied. Then we tell her this and she's all like, oh no, I was talking about in primary school. Then she goes off with this long list of things people used to do and say to her. And it sounds completley normal. EVERYBODY gets bullied in primary school! You're not special!
You know, I'm afraid to say it, but sometimes I really just don't know why we're still friends with her.

Ugh, anyway, that's my rant about Monique.

So I went to Miranda with Tom yesterday to buy a present for Chizuru, who's birthday it is on Monday. Tom got her a photo frame, and when we went out today, he was going to get a good picture of all of us to put in it, but of course, we all know how that turned out. And I got her this really nice moisturiser from Crabtree & Evelyn, it's pineapple and ginger.

So at the moment easter really couldn't come around any sooner. I just want Ailynn to get here so we can do all the awesome things we planned and have a fucking good time.
I miss you!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ahhh, married life..

Thats right people, according to my Facebook page I am now officially married to Ailynn, and so far she has been the best husband I could ask for =).

Soo..I haven't blogged for aaaages, ah well. Christmas was a few days ago, and really, it wasn't great. I mean, yeah, it was fucking fun, but I seem to have lost the kind of childish excitement that used to get on Christmas. It was just like, blegh.

People came over for dinner last night, and it was actually pretty fun. The "kids" (Me, Brendon, Matt and Bill) just played Wii and watched t.v, but yeah, it was fun. I'm finding myself ever-increasingly attracted to Brendon, and yes he is 18, and straight...and a family friend.. but that doesn't stop him from being really really hot! And it probably didn't help that he got an awesome lip piercing, which only makes him hotter. We had an awesome conversation at dinner (we had to sit outstide -_-) mostly about piercings and new years, and he promised that he would be my legal adult if my mum didn't let me get my tounge pierced =D. So that was awesome.

Speaking of new years, me, Tom, Lauren, Lena and Kristina were supposed to be going into the city for the fireworks, but Lena can't go anymore, so we aren't going and we have no idea what to do. Tom seems to think that I have some awesome party to go to and that he can tag along, but unfortunatley, I don't!
Fucking hell.

Well, that's it for now, Happy New Year!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fuck my life

We had our maths yearly yesterday and, well, I'm SO going to fail. But most of our class is going to as well, so that makes it a bit better.
So because we are the top class, we get a different test to everyone else which is like, 1 000 000 times harder. And like, most of the people in my class only did about 3/4 of it. It was ridiculous!
Anyway, I don't care if I go down to 2's next year. I hate being in 1's.
Life smells

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hi Ailynn

Well, I'm just sitting here, chilling to Janet Jackson, so yeah; blawg time.

So, what happened this week?
Well this weekend was rather boring. I bought some new clothes for Brendons graduation dinner, then on Sunday I did fuck all but go to Cronulla with the mother and get a smoothie.

I did my science exam today, and surprisingly, it was actually pretty easy. There were just some questions that were totally fucked up. Ms Rogers tried to help us prepare for it by giving us a list of things to study, but as it turns out, most of it was either given to us, or wasn't even in there! But oh well, it's the thought that counts.

I also did the second part to my history exam, which was mind-numbingly easy. It was really just a close passage and a few questions that we were GIVEN the answers to! Oh, and there's two new people! One is a guy and his name is Dylan. He's actually really weird, he's one of those silent arts-y types. In class he prefers to doodle on his book rather than do the work given to us.
Oh and a new girl; Immogen. It was only her first day today, so I haven't formed a proper opinion of her yet. But she's automatically in the popular group, as she knows Keahne somehow.
Oh, and I swear she went to Laguna St; my first primary school. I seem to remember that Georgia and I always hated her because she had awesome stuffed animals that she used to bring into show-and-tell. That bitch.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mmmmm, iceblocks

Hello ladies.
Well, Obama got elected and Ailynn, I and the majority of the voting population of America are ectatic (including Ellen; I love her!).
But on a sad note, proposition 8 was passed in California, which, according to Ailynn, means that same sex couples will be unable to get married inside the state; which sucks. I guess I can see where they're coming from though. I mean, yeah, I think that we should be able to get married to whoever we choose, but you know, I guess some people think that marriage is a bond between man and woman, but eh, what happens happens.

Anyway, I finally got to do my history exam this week. It was supposed to be last Wednesday, but a migrane came on in food tech so I had to go home. It was alright I guess, but there was this one stupid question that was extremley easy, but it was layed out terribly, so I really had no idea how to do it, so I just did whatever. We got our results back the day after and I got 46/59. Which I'm pretty happy with I guess, I mean, it was right up there in the class, so yeah.

I also did my science examination. It wasn't our yearly, just a random test. We just really had to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of safety devices in cars. It was pretty easy and I thought I did ok, so hopefully I'll get a good mark.

Speaking of migranes, mum is going to book me in for an eye test at her clinic soon. They've been coming on quite close together these days, so we're just wondering if anything else is helping to trigger those little bastards. Also, I'm going back to the doctor soon to get some medication for them, mum says that they make you feel like shit, but they work. So yeah.
Also, mum has that weird vertigo thing again, where she has to lay still in bed all day, or she gets massive headspins and sometimes faints. She went to the doctor today to get checked out, so I'm just hoping it's nothing serious.

Anyway, that was a massive post, so I think that'll be all for now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Okay, so we actually did end up going to Luna Park yesterday, withOUT Monique. Me and Tom met Chiz at Rockdale then went on to Town Hall then Milsons Point. So it all went smoothly. BUT, a scary moth flew into the train and was attacking everyone, but luckily for us, some guy made it fly back out. *phew*.
AND, some guy got on and sat in front of us right? And his window for some strange reason, didn't have any glass, so it was just premanatley open. Anyway, so he sat down, saw the window and started absolutley PISSING himself. I swear, he was laughing for like, 5 minutes. THEN he stuck his head out and proceeded to laugh some more.
I think he was high.

So yeah, Luna Park was pretty fun, but Chiz got sick after going on the Ranger, so we had a break for half an hour and got lunch and ice cream, and luckily for us, it was happy hour!! So we got two scoops for the price of one! Oh happy day!

Anyway, so I have computers homework, and homework that Meri gave me. But screw it, I can't be bothered. So by the end of this, if Ailynn isn't finished playing house with her cousin, I shall go and watch television for once. As I am very, very bored.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm sorry

Okay, I just re-read my last post, and saw all the fatal gramatical and spelling mistakes I made. And for that, I apologise.

Whoo, now that that's over and done with, ON TO MY LIFE!

Well, It's been a while since I've "blawgged". Last Sunday was my last I think... anyway. School has I guess.
OH, I handed in my Cleo article that I did the night before on Ellen DeGeneres. But Tom's was so good! He did it on Miley Cyrus, and oh my god, she is such a slut!!
Anywho. We watched Agetha Christie's Death on the Nile this week in english. Which was fun. That darn Jaqueline!! She was a crazy bitch.
I was supposed to do my history yearly yesterday, but I saw a damn migrane coming on in food tech, so I had to go home. Grrr at medical conditions.

Now, to the Luna Park dilema. Earlier in the week Monique funally succumed to our barrage of innuendos and said "I'll ask my mum". Then thing is, her mum said no. Now, I don't really think this happened at all. I think that for some reason, Monique really doesn't want to go, so she made up this excuse to shut us up. Anyway, we are supposed to go tomorrow, but we don't know if we will or not, as Sam can't come, and we don't really want to invite Lauren, Lena and Kristina. Grrr at Monique.

Also, Monique is helping out with the yr 6 orientation days at school for the next 3 thrsdays, which means she gets to miss out on EVERYTHING on those days. Including sport. So today I had to go by myself, and I just sat there reading my book. It was lame.
Fuck you Monique, fuck you.