Friday, February 20, 2009


So, it's been way too long since I've done this. I really need to get back on track.

Anyway, Tom, Chiz, Monique and myself were supposed to go out today, but of course, in her usual fashion, Monique "didn't want to go". UGH. If she would just tell us WHY she never wants to go out with us it would make everything SO much easier! This is probably the fourth time she's done this, and of course if she doesn't want to go then Chiz doesn't want to go then everything just falls apart. Does she even like us? I mean, sometimes is just seems like she doesn't even care. And what really pisses me off about her is that stupid little act she puts on at school. She pretends to be all quiet and like she's just trying to stay out of the limelight, but really, she's just a huge attention whore. She tries to be all like "I don't like to show my emotions because of my 'troubled past'". SHE HAS NO TROBLED PAST WHATSOEVER! She tries to make out like her family is SO screwed up and this person did this so now everybody hates them, and it's just like..ugh. Oh, and she also hates school because she gets "bullied". Oh come on, we're practically with you for the whole day and we have almost NEVER seen you get bullied. Then we tell her this and she's all like, oh no, I was talking about in primary school. Then she goes off with this long list of things people used to do and say to her. And it sounds completley normal. EVERYBODY gets bullied in primary school! You're not special!
You know, I'm afraid to say it, but sometimes I really just don't know why we're still friends with her.

Ugh, anyway, that's my rant about Monique.

So I went to Miranda with Tom yesterday to buy a present for Chizuru, who's birthday it is on Monday. Tom got her a photo frame, and when we went out today, he was going to get a good picture of all of us to put in it, but of course, we all know how that turned out. And I got her this really nice moisturiser from Crabtree & Evelyn, it's pineapple and ginger.

So at the moment easter really couldn't come around any sooner. I just want Ailynn to get here so we can do all the awesome things we planned and have a fucking good time.
I miss you!

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