Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ahhh, married life..

Thats right people, according to my Facebook page I am now officially married to Ailynn, and so far she has been the best husband I could ask for =).

Soo..I haven't blogged for aaaages, ah well. Christmas was a few days ago, and really, it wasn't great. I mean, yeah, it was fucking fun, but I seem to have lost the kind of childish excitement that used to get on Christmas. It was just like, blegh.

People came over for dinner last night, and it was actually pretty fun. The "kids" (Me, Brendon, Matt and Bill) just played Wii and watched t.v, but yeah, it was fun. I'm finding myself ever-increasingly attracted to Brendon, and yes he is 18, and straight...and a family friend.. but that doesn't stop him from being really really hot! And it probably didn't help that he got an awesome lip piercing, which only makes him hotter. We had an awesome conversation at dinner (we had to sit outstide -_-) mostly about piercings and new years, and he promised that he would be my legal adult if my mum didn't let me get my tounge pierced =D. So that was awesome.

Speaking of new years, me, Tom, Lauren, Lena and Kristina were supposed to be going into the city for the fireworks, but Lena can't go anymore, so we aren't going and we have no idea what to do. Tom seems to think that I have some awesome party to go to and that he can tag along, but unfortunatley, I don't!
Fucking hell.

Well, that's it for now, Happy New Year!

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